Ballarat Podiatry Knows Running

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Ballarat Podiatry Knows Running, specifically Running injuries

  • Keep doing your calf muscle?
  • Got a nagging Achilles Tendon?
  • Sore Knees?
  • Achey feet?
  • Shin Splints?
  • Feel like something isn't right?

Our Ballarat Podiatrists can help get you back on track.

What We Can Do For You

Our Ballarat Podiatrists know that the key to preventing running injuries is smart load management and tissue capacity (strength).

Our Ballarat Podiatrists use the tissue stress model to get to the bottom of your running injury. This involves understanding your tissue capacity (how much work your tendons, muscles and bones are capable of doing) and your running loads (how much work your are asking your tissues to do) and using it find why you are getting injured.

At your appointment, our Ballarat podiatrists will use video gait analysis to undertake a comprehensive and thorough review of your biomechanics. We recommend bringing your recent training loads, injury history and running shoes to your appointment.

Ballarat Podiatry knows running, book now to find out.

Don’t wonder about your running any longer, book now to get an appointment with one of our experienced Ballarat podiatrists.

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